lunch break it was my routine to buy pack lunch from the nearest Maxim’s
restaurant, eat it in my office, and then pray the Rosary. Afterwards, if I
still had time, or if I were experiencing some difficulty in the office that
was more severe than usual, I would proceed to the Catholic Centre Building,
which was a mere ten-minute walking distance away, in order to visit this
chapel, the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception, to seek solace and strength.
one such lunchtime, I did visit the chapel. And as I stood at the back in
prayer, I felt inspired to look at and directly
talk to the wooden image of the Blessed Virgin that was perched on the central
pillar of the chapel. Then, very casually and forthrightly, I asked her, “Mama
Mary, How powerful are you really?”
I did not expect it, although I was strangely not surprised by it either, but a very clear and calm voice spoke inside my head.
am the Moon,
as God is the Sun;
In the deepest darkest night,
In the deepest darkest night,
I will cast you my moonlight;
In the face of the blazing sun,
In the face of the blazing sun,
I will shadow you with my eclipse.”
immediately tried to analyze and interpret the message, which was my natural
tendency. So I said casually and immediately in reply, “I realize that the
deepest darkest night may seem to indicate the absence of God in our lives, but
I know that He is never truly absent. The deep dark nights are simply the times
that He allows us to go through tests and challenges for our own purification.
Besides, He sends you to cast us moonlight, which is actually a reflection of
His own sunlight. I also realize that the blazing sun may seem to indicate that
God is angry, but I know that He is never truly angry, the blazing sun also
merely pertains to the times that He allows us to go through purifying tests
and challenges. What I do not understand however is the eclipse. When you
shadow us with your eclipse, aren’t you basically standing between God and us?
Aren’t you getting in the way? Aren’t you therefore basically defying him?”
response came quickly, “When I shadow you with my eclipse, I do not stand
before God in defiance. I kneel before Him in worship.”
okay, makes sense,” I said to myself, and the conversation ended there.
know I am bright, but I am not THAT bright. So I couldn’t have possibly come up
with that by myself.
that was not the first and only time that I have had such an experience or
“correspondence,” there are others, and with other “correspondents.” But this
is the first time that I am sharing that sort of experience publicly. I prefer
to be cautious and prudent, because there is always the real risk of being
misunderstood and mislabelled. I will, however, eventually write everything
there is to write about such experiences, in an organized and complete manner,
and in proper context, in the form of another book (i.e., in addition to the
book on Entrepreneurial Financial Management which I am also writing, please
see http://fccresearchdigests.blogspot.com/2011/01/my-portfolio_01.html).
for the chapel experience which I have just narrated above, I particularly
decided to share it today because today it is the Solemnity of Mary, The Holy
Mother of God. I also have a feeling that that is how she wanted it.
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