that notion is one of the reasons that I post here on the blogosphere the occasional
articles regarding real life issues (for instance, please see http://fccresearchdigests.blogspot.com/).
I know that I often get carried away with posting so many religious
picture-messages and commentaries, out of zeal perhaps, thus I try to balance
that with the aforementioned articles. I believe that if I am to be an
effective witness for Christ, I need to be able to demonstrate that I am not
detached from reality, I need to be able to demonstrate that I am very much
lucid and that I am very much aware and deliberate in my decision to follow
be told, for many of us, it is precisely because we are intelligent that we
exercise our faith. It is precisely because we understand the world and all its
beauty and complexities that we realize the existence of a Higher Power and our
need to turn to Him.
when it comes to life’s most important and most difficult problems, at the end
of the day, after we have already exhausted all our analytical and intellectual
prowess, we know that ultimately we will just have to turn to God.
not saying that people who are simpler in their appreciation of the world are
less capable of witnessing for Christ. That is not what I am saying at all.
Indeed, more often than not, in their innocence they are the truly great
witnesses for Christ.
each have our own role and charism. We play the role and we use the charism
that are assigned to us.